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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Agama > Kekristenan

Quo vadis Domine

Agama; Kekristenan

(Latin, "Lord, where are you going?"). According to a legend found in the Acts of St. Peter, Peter was fleeing persecution in Rome when he met Christ on the Appian Way and asked ...


Agama; Kekristenan

Abad keempat Afrika Utara Kristen faksi, dinamai Donatus uskup. Donatists percaya Gereja harus murni, dan karena itu pemimpin-pemimpin gereja yang sudah menyerahkan Alkitab selama ...

Perang Salib

Agama; Kekristenan

(Lat. Cruciata, "cross-marked") Wars fought against enemies of the Christian faith, primarily the Muslim Turks in the period 1095 to 1291, but later against other infidels and ...

Kultus Suci

Agama; Kekristenan

The body of religious beliefs and practices pertaining to the veneration of saints and their relics. Prayers are addressed to the saints in the hope that they will intercede with ...

Deus volt!

Agama; Kekristenan

(Latin "God wills it"). The battle cry of the Crusaders.

Gereja Katolik Koptik

Agama; Kekristenan

Gereja Katolik di Mesir, dalam persekutuan dengan Jemaat Roman Katolik sejak 1741.

Gereja Ortodoks Koptik

Agama; Kekristenan

Jemaat Kristian yang utama di Mesir.