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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Agama > Kekristenan


Agama; Kekristenan

Kata lain untuk halo.

Roma Baru

Agama; Kekristenan

A name for the city of Constantinople, which may have been coined by Constantine himself. The Council of Constantinople (381) declared that "the Bishop of Constantinople is to ...


Agama; Kekristenan

The doctrine, named for Nestorius (d. C. 451), Patriarch of Constantinople, that there were two separate persons in the incarnate Christ, one divine and the other human. Nestorius ...

Pantocrator, Kristus

Agama; Kekristenan

Christ depicted as "Ruler of the Universe," a common image in Orthodox iconography.


Agama; Kekristenan

Cabang Kekristenan lazim di Yunani, Rusia dan Eropa Timur. Berasal sebagai sebuah badan terpisah ketika jemaat (Ortodoks) Timur berpecah dari Jemaat (Katolik) Barat tahun 1054 m. ...


Agama; Kekristenan

Kepercayaan sistem, diserang oleh Augustine dan menyatakan ajaran sesat, yang menolak dosa asal dan menegaskan kemampuan manusia untuk memilih baik atas kejahatan dengan bantuan ...


Agama; Kekristenan

(Lat. Pater, "father") Branch of Christian theology and history concerned with the church "fathers" (patres), usually understood to refer to the period from the later first ...