Home > Blossary: Cambridge University Slang
This glossary includes a list of common slang words used exclusively by Cambridge students.


31 Terms

Created by: annabeare

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

A large scale student organised party that is held by each college during May Week. Usually they require guests to dress in black-tie and run from 9pm until 6am the next morning. Tickets are paid for well in advance and can cost as much as 150 pounds, but prices vary greatly by individual college.They can be themed and often involve celebrity music acts. Tickets are available exclusively to students and their guests.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Pesta oleh mahasiswa skala besar yang diadakan oleh setiap kampus saat May Week. Biasanya mereka mengharuskan tamu untuk berpakaian hitam berdasi dan berlari dari jam 9 malam hingga 6 pagi keesokan paginya. Tiket dibayar di muka dan biaya hingga 150 poundsterling, namum harga berbeda tergantung individu kampus. Bertema dan seringkali melibatkan aksi musik selebriti. Tiket tersedia secara eksklusif untuk mahasiswa dan tamu mereka.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Pronounced natski, it is student slang for a student reading the Natural Sciences Tripos.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Dibaca natski, bahasa gaul mahasiswa untuk mahasiswa yang membaca Natural Sciences Tripos.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The first of three terms of the Cambridge University academic year.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Salah satu dari tiga istilah di tahun ajaran Universitar Cambridge.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The Ospreys is an exclusive student society open to female sportspeople who have been an awarded a full or half-blue for Cambirdge University. It is the female version of the Hawk's Club.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Ospreys adalah mahasiswa eksklusif masyarakat terbuka untuk olahragawan perempuan yang telah diberikan penuh atau setengah-biru untuk Universitas Cambirdge. Ini adalah versi perempuan dari Hawk Club.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A week after term ends when students remain in Cambridge to attend garden parties and balls to celebrate the end of the exam period.Contrary to what its name may suggest, it is actually held towards the end of June.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Seminggu setelah berakhir ketika siswa tetap di Cambridge untuk menghadiri pesta kebun dan bola untuk merayakan berakhirnya masa ujian.Berlawanan dengan apa namanya mungkin menyarankan, ini sebenarnya diadakan pada akhir Juni.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

To matriculate is to become an official member of the University and of a college. One must normally sing a contract and attend a matriculation dinner.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Untuk menjadi siswa adalah untuk menjadi anggota resmi Universitas dan College. Satu biasanya harus menyanyi kontrak dan menghadiri makan malam matrikulasi.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Student slang for the Lady Margaret Boat Club (LMBC) that is the boat club of St.Johns College.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Mahasiswa slang untuk Lady Margaret perahu Club (LMBC) yang merupakan klub perahu St.Johns College.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Referring to an archaic rule that students of the University of Cambridge must sleep overnight within 3 miles of Great St Mary's Church for the correct number of nights within the term.In theory adherence to this rule is essential to many degrees, but in practice it is rarely enforced.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Merujuk kepada aturan kuno yang mahasiswa dari Universitas Cambridge harus tidur semalam berjarak 3 km dari gereja besar St Mary's untuk jumlah malam dalam istilah yang benar.Dalam teori kepatuhan terhadap peraturan ini penting untuk banyak derajat, tetapi dalam praktek itu jarang dipaksakan.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A table in college dining halls which is reserved for college Fellows and their guests.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Tabel di college makan ruang yang disediakan untuk college Fellows dan tamu mereka.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A form of rowing race held on the River Cam where boats row individually in order to achieve the fastest time over a fixed distance.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Bentuk mendayung balapan diadakan pada Sungai Cam yang mana perahu baris secara individual untuk mencapai waktu tercepat atas jarak tetap.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

An exclusive university club whose membership is restricted to male sportsmen who have recieved a Cambridge blue.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Universitas eksklusif club yang keanggotaannya dibatasi untuk olahragawan laki-laki yang telah menerima Cambridge biru.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A colloquial term used to refer to the college dining hall as well as to the act of eating a meal in the hall.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Istilah sehari-hari yang digunakan untuk merujuk kepada college hall juga untuk tindakan makan makanan di ruang makan.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The third of three terms in the academic year. During this term undergraduate students spend most of their time studying towards the end of year exams.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Ketiga dari tiga istilah pada tahun akademik. Selama istilah ini mahasiswa S1 menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu mereka belajar menjelang akhir tahun ujian.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A college officer (usually a Fellow or Professor) that is responsible for a student's academic studies.They must track a student's progress and keep in check their results, and are also resonsible for assigning supervisors to their students.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

College officer (biasanya Fellow atau profesor) yang bertanggung jawab untuk mahasiswa studi akademis.Mereka harus melacak siswa kemajuan dan menjaga di cek hasil mereka, dan juga resonsible untuk menetapkan supervisor untuk siswa mereka.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

To fall back a year of one's degree course. This can either be due to failure of the end of year exams, or because of absence caused by illness. Sometimes students who wish to switch subject during the course of the year are also required to drop behind a year.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Jatuh kembali tahun tentu gelar. Ini dapat berupa karena kegagalan akhir tahun ujian, atau karena ketiadaan yang disebabkan oleh penyakit. Kadang-kadang siswa yang ingin beralih subjek selama tahun juga diperlukan untuk drop di belakang tahun.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

If one is 'deaned', this means that they have faced punishment from their college Dean for some casual misdemeanour such as excessive drinking, vandalism or anti-social behaviour. They may also have broken rules specific to their college or to the University of Cambridge.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Jika salah satu 'didekankan', ini berarti bahwa mereka telah menghadapi hukuman dari Dean kuliah mereka untuk misdemeanour beberapa santai seperti berlebihan minum, vandalisme, atau kelakuan anti-sosial. Mereka mungkin juga telah melanggar aturan tertentu untuk mereka college atau Universitas Cambridge.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The senior disciplinary officer at each college that is usually responsible for the welfare and safety of the college student body, as well as for dishing out punishment where necessary.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

perwira senior penjaga kedisiplinan di setiap college yang biasanya bertanggung jawab untuk kesejahteraan dan keselamatan dari badan mahasiswa perguruan tinggi, juga untuk dishing keluar hukuman jika diperlukan.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Held on the 8th Thursday, 8th Friday and 8th Saturday of the Michaelmas Term. It involves side-by-side races rowed in eights over an upstream course. Entry is restricted to those who have never rowed before the first day of that Term.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Diadakan pada 8 Kamis, Jumat 8 dan 8 Sabtu istilah Santo Michael. Ini melibatkan sisi-by-side ras mendayung di delapan selama hulu. Catatan dibatasi untuk mereka yang telah pernah mendayung sebelum hari pertama dari istilah tersebut.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A cafe located within a college or faculty that is open during the day and contains drinks,snack-food and lunch items. They are normally open all day and are subsidised by the college.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Cafe yang terletak di dalam sebuah perguruan tinggi atau fakultas yang buka sepanjang hari dan berisi minuman, makanan ringan dan makan siang. Mereka biasanya buka sepanjang hari dan disubsidi oleh perguruan tinggi.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

An inter-collegiate 4-5 day rowing competition held both in Lent term (Lent Bumps) and Easter term ( May Bumps) in Cambridge.The competition practices a form of rowing race specifically designed for narrow rivers, where competing boats start simultaneously in a line but at a fixed distance from each other.The aim is to 'bump' the boat in front before being 'bumped' by the boat behind. If neither happens, you finish the entire course and are said to 'row over'.The race traditionally starts with the firing of a cannon. It can also cause a significant amount of damage to boats.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Hari 4-5 inter-collegiate mendayung kompetisi yang diselenggarakan dalam jangka masa puasa (puasa benjolan) dan istilah Paskah (mungkin benjolan) dalam kompetisi Cambridge.The praktek bentuk mendayung ras yang khusus dirancang untuk sempit sungai, dimana bersaing kapal mulai secara bersamaan di garis tetapi pada jarak tetap dari satu sama lain.Tujuannya adalah untuk 'bump' perahu di depan sebelum menjadi 'bertemu' dengan perahu di belakang. Jika tidak terjadi, Anda menyelesaikan seluruh kursus dan dikatakan 'baris atas'.Perlombaan secara tradisional dimulai dengan tembakan meriam. Juga dapat menyebabkan sejumlah besar kerusakan ke perahu.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Student slang for a rower. Although widely and proudly used by keen rowers themeselves, it can often be used to poke fun at those members of the rowing club that are particularly obsessed or dedicated to their sport.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Mahasiswa slang untuk pendayung. Meskipun luas dan bangga digunakan oleh bukit rowers tajam, itu dapat sering digunakan untuk mengolok-olok orang anggota klub mendayung yang terutama terobsesi atau didedikasikan untuk olahraga mereka.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A sporting merit awarded by certain university clubs after winning against Oxford University. A half-blue is awarded for less well-established sports such as lightweight category rowing.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Merit olahraga yang diberikan oleh Universitas klub tertentu setelah menang melawan Universitas Oxford. Setengah-biru diberikan untuk olahraga yang kurang mapan seperti ringan kategori mendayung.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A fitted, coloured jacket that is emblazoned with the emblem/logo of the society to whom the owner of the blazer belongs. They are most often worn by the members of sports societies, most prolifically those of rowing clubs.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Dipasang, berwarna jaket yang dihiasi dengan lambang/logo masyarakat kepada siapa pemilik blazer milik. Mereka paling sering dipakai oleh anggota masyarakat olahraga, paling banyak mereka mendayung klub.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

A lock on the River Cam. Rowers are confined to the stretch of water between Baitsbite lock and Jesus Lock.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Kunci pada Sungai Cam. Rowers terbatas peregangan air antara kunci Baitsbite dan Jesus Lock.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The backs is a vaguely defined area of Cambridge. It is approximately around the area between silver street and bridge street. It is also the former name for Queens Road.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Backs adalah daerah yang samar-samar didefinisikan Cambridge. Ini adalah sekitar sekitar daerah antara perak jalan dan jembatan jalan. Hal ini juga nama untuk Queens Road.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The shortened form of Archaeology and Anthropolgy, a subject offered at The University of Cambridge.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Penyingkatan untuk arkeologi dan Anthropolgy, subjek yang ditawarkan di Universitas Cambridge.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The main hospital in Cambridge, located to the south of the city centre. Most Cambridge University students of medicine undertake some or most of their practical training there.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Rumah sakit utama di Cambridge, terletak di selatan pusat kota. Sebagian besar Universitas Cambridge mahasiswa Kedokteran melakukan beberapa atau kebanyakan dari pelatihan mereka praktis.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

The ADC is Cambirdge University's leading drama society. Th term also refers to their theatre.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

ADC adalah Cambirdge universitas terkemuka drama masyarakat. istilah ini juga merujuk pada teater mereka.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Clothing or sportswear emblazoned with the logo/emblem of any college/university society, sportsclub or association to which you belong.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

Pakaian atau olahraga dengan logo/lambang dari setiap masyarakat perguruan tinggi/Universitas, sportsclub atau Asosiasi yang Anda milik.

Domain: Education; Category: Colleges & universities

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