Created by: stanley soerianto
Number of Blossarys: 107
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Heroic Monument, also known as Heroes Monument is a monument in Surabaya, Indonesia. It is the main symbol of the city, dedicated to the people who died during the Battle of Surabaya on November 10, 1945. Monument of Heroes, is a landmark monument in the city of Surabaya. This monument is 41.15 meters tall phallus-shaped or inverted spikes. Body-shaped monument arches (Canalures) by 10 arches, and is divided into 11 sections. High, segments, and implies Canalures on 10 November 1945. A historic date, not only for residents of Surabaya, but also for the people of Indonesia. Coordinate: 7.245808 ° S 112.737785 ° East Heroes monument built to commemorate the events of 10 November 1945 at the Battle of Surabaya, where arek-arek Suroboyo joint Allied forces fighting against the Dutch who want to re-colonize Indonesia. Heroes Monument Monument at the center of attention every November 10 to commemorate the events of 1945 when many heroes died in the war of independence.
Junaško spomenik, znan tudi kot junaki spomenik je spomenik v Surabaya, Indonezija. To je glavni simbol mesta, namenjena ljudem, ki je umrl med bitko Surabaya 10 novembra 1945. Spomenik Heroes, je mejnik spomenik v city Surabaya. Ta spomenik je 41.15 metrov visok oblikovan falus ali obrnjen trni. Spomenik v telo v obliki lokov (Canalures) z 10 loki, in je razdeljena na 11. Visoko, segmentih in pomeni Canalures na 10 novembra 1945. Zgodovinski dan, ne samo za prebivalce Surabaya, ampak tudi za ljudi v Indoneziji. Koordinatni: 7.245808 S 112.737785 oo vzhodu junaki spomenik zgrajena v spomin dogodkov 10 November 1945 v bitki Surabaya, kjer arek arek Suroboyo skupnega zavezniških sil, boj proti Nizozemski, ki želijo ponovno naseljujejo Indonezije. Junaki spomenik spomenik v središču pozornosti vsak November 10 v spomin na dogodke leta 1945, ko veliko junakov umrl v vojni za neodvisnost.