Kategori: Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
- There are no other language terms for this blossary.
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A core component for notebooks, liquid crystal display (LCD) flat panel displays are broadening their applications on the commercial desktops. There are five key FPD technologies available: LCD, gas ...
Flexible manufacturing system; a process that is highly adaptable and can produce different products with minimal changeover times or reconfiguration.
Flexible media and conferencing switching can be used by employees with intensive collaboration requirements. Flexible media and conferencing integrates with contextual presence lists, and ...
Folksonomies also known as social tagging, are user-defined metadata collections. Users do not deliberately create folksonomies and there is rarely a prescribed purpose, but a folksonomy evolves when ...
Folksonomies also known as social tagging, are user-defined metadata collections. Users do not deliberately create folksonomies and there is rarely a prescribed purpose, but a folksonomy evolves when ...
Footfall analysis is the use of analytic techniques to monitor waiting times in bank branch teller lines or lengths of waiting time to use automated teller machines (ATMs). Newer systems use fixed ...
Foreign/global trade compliance (GTC) refers to a category of software that addresses the rules and regulations and trade-specific costs of conducting cross-border trade.