Home > Blossary: Semiotics


Company: Lain-lain

1255 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

In its most extreme version 'the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis' can be described as relating two associated principles: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativism. Applying these two principles, the ...

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

Phonocentrism biased interpretation of the rights normally involuntary speech over writing (and consequently) oral-aural over visual).

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

Análise de Sintagmatik é uma técnica que visa estabelecer uma pós-estruturalista ' "superfície a estrutura de um texto e as relações entre as partes. Estudo sobre a relação de sintagmatik revela ...

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

Bu kadar saf realist felsefi duruma göre dil, sadece bir adlandırma - adları önceden var olan şeyler için sadece kelimelerdir (bazıları için bu hayali şeyler ve kavramlar gibi fiziksel nesneler ...

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

คำว่า intertextuality อ้างอิงการเชื่อมโยงข้อความอื่นปกติจะ ขณะใช้การเชื่อมโยง ที่เกี่ยวข้องประเภทเป็น 'intratextuality' อะไรคือความสัมพันธ์ภายในภายในในข้อความที่เกี่ยวข้อง รหัสเดียว (เช่นภาพ) ภายในเหล ...

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

용어 intertextuality 일반적으로 다른 텍스트에 링크를 참조 하는 데 사용 것 이다, 하는 동안 링크의 관련된 종류는 무슨 'intratextuality'-관련 된 텍스트 내에서 내부 관계 라는 것 이다. 단일 코드 (예: 사진 코드) 내에서 이러한 단순히 syntagmatic 관계 (예: 동일한 사진 내의 다른 한 사람의 이미지 관계) ...

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

Samtidigt som Saussure fastställs den allmänna princip som tecknar alltid relatera till andra tecken, inom hans modell förhållandet mellan signifianten och betecknade var stabil och ...

Domain: Language; Industri/Domain: General language

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