Home > Blossary: iPad mini
Termbase about iPad mini. Hereby features and technology


39 Terms

Created by: mapap

Number of Blossarys: 1

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Quando un file multimediale può essere riprodotto senza prima essere completamente scaricato.

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

L'azione di esporre una pellicola fotografica alla luce:

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

Application à activation vocale fonctionnant avec l'iPhone 4S et l'iOS 5 permettant aux utilisateurs de mener des actions sur leur iPhone en parlant tout simplement.

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

Siri is a voice-activated app that works with the iPhone 4S and iOS 5 to allow users to take action on their iPhone by speaking.

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

navnet på Apples nye stemme-kontrolleret digital assistent.

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

when a multimedia file can be played back without being completely downloaded first.

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

hvis et site streamer en film betyder det at de ligger den op på deres site, så folk kan se filmen på sitet, istedet for at downloade den

Domain: Technology; Industri/Domain: Information technology

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