Industri: Archaeology
Number of terms: 25214
Number of blossaries: 0
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Un punto sul retro del cranio alla giuntura dell'occipite e le ossa parietali, dove si incontrano le suture sagittali e lambdoidal.
La parte anteriore del bacino, formato da parti del innominate che soddisfano al midline.
Un conico o vanga-come dente (a seconda della specie) si trova tra incisivi e premolari.
Un consolidato deposito di cenere vulcanica, trasportati al sito di aria o dell'acqua più spesso.
Le vertebre fuse che compongono l'osso sacro, sulla parte posteriore del bacino.
A constricted portion of a bone immediately below the "head".
A formal method of describing settlement patterns based on the territoral divisions centered on a single site; the polygons are created by drawing straight lines between pairs of neighboring sites, then at the mid-point along each of these lines, a second series of lines are drawn at right angles to the first. Linking the second series of lines creates the Thiessen polygons.
A genotypic sex determination system. The main factor in sex determination is the ratio between the numbers of X chromosomes and autosomes. Sex is determined at the time of fertilization, and sex differences are assumed to be due to the action during development of two sets of genes located in the X chromosomes and in the autosomes.
A human clinical syndrome that results from disomy for the X chromosome in a male, which results in a 47,XXX male. Many of the affected males are mentally deficient, have underdeveloped testes, and are taller than average.
A cortical region of the human brain located on the side of the frontal lobe, just above the temporal lobe (directly beneath a finger placed at the temple). This area is important in speech production and injury to it will result in aphasia (language dyfunction).