Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
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Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
Today salt is inexpensive and universally available, but that wasn't always the case. Because of its importance in food preservation and the fact that the human body requires it (for the regulation of fluid balance), salt has been an extremely valuable commodity throughout the ages. It was even once used as a method of exchange — Roman soldiers received a salt allowance as part of their pay. Salt was valued by the ancient Hebrews and Greeks, throughout the Middle Ages and well into the 19th century when it began to become more plentiful and therefore reasonable in price. Salt (sodium chloride) comes either from salt mines or from the sea. Most of today's salt is mined and comes from large deposits left by dried salt lakes throughout the world. Table salt, a fine-grained refined salt with additives that make it free-flowing, is mainly used in cooking and as a table condiment. Iodized salt is table salt with added iodine (sodium iodide) — particularly important in areas that lack natural iodine, an important preventative for hypothyroidism. Kosher salt is an additive-free coarse-grained salt. It's used by some Jews in the preparation of meat, as well as by gourmet cooks who prefer its texture and flavor. Sea salt is the type used down through the ages and is the result of the evaporation of sea water — the more costly of the two processes. It comes in fine-grained or larger crystals. Rock salt has a grayish cast because it's not as refined as other salts, which means it retains more minerals and harmless impurities. It comes in chunky crystals and is used predominantly as a bed on which to serve baked oysters and clams and to combine with ice to make ice cream in crank-style ice-cream makers. Pickling salt is a fine-grained salt used to make brines for pickles, sauerkraut, etc. It contains no additives, which would cloud the brine. Sour salt (see citric acid), also called citric salt, is extracted from acidic fruits, such as lemons and limes. It's used to add tartness to traditional dishes like borscht. Seasoned salt is regular salt combined with other flavoring ingredients, examples being onion salt, garlic salt and celery salt. Salt substitutes, frequently used by those on low-salt diets, are products containing little or no sodium.
Industry:Culinary arts
V. To remove the skin of food before or after cooking. Skinning is done for a variety of reasons including appearance, taste and diet. Foods that are often skinned include poultry, fish and game.
Industry:Culinary arts
A mixture of eggs, seasonings and sometimes water or milk, cooked in butter until firm and filled or topped with various fillings such as cheese, ham, mushrooms, onions, peppers, sausage and herbs. Sweet omelets can be filled with jelly, custard or fruit, sprinkled with confectioners' sugar or flamed with various liquors or liqueurs. For fluffy omelets, the whites and yolks can be beaten separately and folded together. They can also be served flat or folded. See also frittata.
Industry:Culinary arts
Oggi il sale è poco costoso e universalmente disponibile, ma non era sempre il caso. A causa della sua importanza nella conservazione degli alimenti e il fatto che il corpo umano richiede (per la regolazione del bilancio idrico), sale è stato un bene estremamente prezioso nel corso dei secoli. Ancora una volta è stato usato come metodo di scambio — soldati Romani ha ricevuto un assegno di sale come parte della loro retribuzione. Sale era apprezzata dagli antichi ebrei e greci, per tutto il Medioevo e fino al XIX secolo quando iniziò a diventare più abbondanti e quindi ragionevole nel prezzo. Sale (cloruro di sodio) proviene dalle miniere di sale o dal mare. La maggior parte delle sale di oggi è minato e proviene da grandi depositi lasciati dai laghi salati secchi in tutto il mondo. Sale da tavola, un grana fina sale raffinato con additivi che lo rendono a flusso libero, è utilizzato principalmente nella cottura e come condimento della tabella. Sale iodato è sale da tavola con aggiunto iodio (ioduro di sodio) — particolarmente importante nelle zone che difettano di iodio naturale, un'importante prevenzione per l'ipotiroidismo. Sale kosher è un sale di grana grossa senza additivi. È usato da alcuni ebrei nella preparazione di carne, nonché da cuochi gourmet che preferiscono la consistenza e il sapore. Sale marino è il tipo usato giù attraverso i secoli ed è il risultato dell'evaporazione dell'acqua di mare — il più costoso dei due processi. Si presenta in cristalli più grandi o grana fine. Salgemma ha un cast grigiastro perché esso non è così raffinato come altri sali, il che significa che mantiene più minerali e impurità inoffensive. Si tratta in cristalli chunky ed è usato principalmente come un letto su cui servire le vongole e le ostriche al forno e combinare con ghiaccio per fare il gelato in stile manovella gelatieri. Decapaggio sale è un sale di grana fina usato per fare le salamoie per sottaceti, crauti, ecc. Esso non contiene additivi, che sarebbe il cloud la salamoia. Sale acida (vedi acido citrico), anche chiamato acido citrico sale, viene estratta dalla frutta acida, come limoni e limette. Esso viene utilizzato per aggiungere asprezza di piatti tradizionali come borscht. Stagionato sale è sale regolare combinata con altri ingredienti di condimento, esempi che sono sale cipolla, aglio sale e sale di sedano. Sono sostituti sale, utilizzati spesso su diete a basso contenuto di sale, prodotti contenenti sodio poca o nessuna.
Industry:Culinary arts
A mixture of eggs, seasonings and sometimes water or milk, cooked in butter until firm and filled or topped with various fillings such as cheese, ham, mushrooms, onions, peppers, sausage and herbs. Sweet omelets can be filled with jelly, custard or fruit, sprinkled with confectioners' sugar or flamed with various liquors or liqueurs. For fluffy omelets, the whites and yolks can be beaten separately and folded together. They can also be served flat or folded. See also frittata.
Industry:Culinary arts
V. To remove the skin of food before or after cooking. Skinning is done for a variety of reasons including appearance, taste and diet. Foods that are often skinned include poultry, fish and game.
Industry:Culinary arts
Today salt is inexpensive and universally available, but that wasn't always the case. Because of its importance in food preservation and the fact that the human body requires it (for the regulation of fluid balance), salt has been an extremely valuable commodity throughout the ages. It was even once used as a method of exchange — Roman soldiers received a salt allowance as part of their pay. Salt was valued by the ancient Hebrews and Greeks, throughout the Middle Ages and well into the 19th century when it began to become more plentiful and therefore reasonable in price. Salt (sodium chloride) comes either from salt mines or from the sea. Most of today's salt is mined and comes from large deposits left by dried salt lakes throughout the world. Table salt, a fine-grained refined salt with additives that make it free-flowing, is mainly used in cooking and as a table condiment. Iodized salt is table salt with added iodine (sodium iodide) — particularly important in areas that lack natural iodine, an important preventative for hypothyroidism. Kosher salt is an additive-free coarse-grained salt. It's used by some Jews in the preparation of meat, as well as by gourmet cooks who prefer its texture and flavor. Sea salt is the type used down through the ages and is the result of the evaporation of sea water — the more costly of the two processes. It comes in fine-grained or larger crystals. Rock salt has a grayish cast because it's not as refined as other salts, which means it retains more minerals and harmless impurities. It comes in chunky crystals and is used predominantly as a bed on which to serve baked oysters and clams and to combine with ice to make ice cream in crank-style ice-cream makers. Pickling salt is a fine-grained salt used to make brines for pickles, sauerkraut, etc. It contains no additives, which would cloud the brine. Sour salt (see citric acid), also called citric salt, is extracted from acidic fruits, such as lemons and limes. It's used to add tartness to traditional dishes like borscht. Seasoned salt is regular salt combined with other flavoring ingredients, examples being onion salt, garlic salt and celery salt. Salt substitutes, frequently used by those on low-salt diets, are products containing little or no sodium.
Industry:Culinary arts
Una miscela di uova, condimenti e a volte di acqua o latte, cotti nel burro fino a quando la ditta e riempito o condita con vari ripieni, come formaggio, prosciutto, funghi, cipolle, peperoni, salsiccia ed erbe aromatiche. Omelette dolce possono essere riempiti con gelatina, crema o frutta, cosparsi di zucchero a velo o fiammeggiati con vari liquori o liquori. Per frittate birichino, bianchi e tuorli possono essere battuti separatamente e piegati insieme. Possono essere serviti anche piatta o piegato. Vedi anche la frittata.
Industry:Culinary arts
Although quinoa is new to the American market, it was a staple of the ancient Incas, who called it "the mother grain. " To this day it's an important food in South American cuisine. Hailed as the "supergrain of the future," quinoa contains more protein than any other grain. It's considered a complete protein because it contains all eight essential amino acids. Quinoa is also higher in unsaturated fats and lower in carbohydrates than most grains, and it provides a rich and balanced source of vital nutrients. Tiny and bead-shaped, the ivory-colored quinoa cooks like rice (taking half the time of regular rice) and expands to four times its original volume. Its flavor is delicate, almost bland, and has been compared to that of couscous. Quinoa is lighter than but can be used in any way suitable for rice — as part of a main dish, a side dish, in soups, in salads and even in puddings. It's available packaged as a grain, ground into flour and in several forms of pasta. Quinoa can be found in most health-food stores and some supermarkets.
Industry:Culinary arts
A dish of chunks of meat or poultry, chopped vegetables and rich sauce, combined in a deep bowl or casserole, topped with a pastry crust and baked.
Industry:Culinary arts