Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
A creamy, semisoft candy most often made with sugar, butter or cream, corn syrup and various flavorings. The most popular fudge flavor is chocolate, though maple (made with maple syrup), butterscotch (made with brown sugar or dark corn syrup) and vanilla are also favorites. Fudge can be plain and perfectly smooth or it may contain other ingredients such as nuts, chocolate chips, candied or dried fruit, etc. It may be cooked or uncooked, but both styles must be allowed to set before cutting.
Industry:Culinary arts
This wild European plum is the fruit of the blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), which also bears showy white flowers. The purple-skinned sloe has an extremely tart yellow flesh. Though too sour for out-of-hand eating, sloes are used for jams, jellies and to flavor liqueurs such as prunelle and sloe gin. They're not generally available fresh in the United States.
Industry:Culinary arts
A French term for the technique of making puff pastry whereby the dough is repeatedly folded into thirds, rolled out and folded into thirds again. This process creates hundreds of flaky pastry layers.
Industry:Culinary arts
En krämig, medelmjuka godis oftast gjorda med socker, smör eller grädde, majssirap och olika aromer. Den mest populära kola smaken är choklad, men lönn (gjort med lönnsirap), kola (gjort med farinsocker eller mörka majssirap) och vanilj är också favoriter. Fudge kan vara vanligt och helt slät eller den kan innehålla andra ingredienser som nötter, choklad, chips, kanderade eller torkad frukt, etc. Det kan vara kokt eller okokt, men båda stilarna får före styckning.
Industry:Culinary arts
Känd redan minst 1500 b. C., är små årliga anläggningen en medlem av familjen persilja. Både blad och frö har en distinkt, söt lakrits smak. Den grönaktiga bruna, comma-formade anis frö parfymer och smaker en mängd konfekt samt kryddade rätter. Det är också används för att smaksätta drycker som pastis, Arrak, anisette och ouzo. Anis frö spelar en viktig roll i matlagning av Southeast Asien. Kinesiska kockar är mer benägna att använda stjärnanis än anis frö. Se även kryddor; ört och krydda diagram.
Industry:Culinary arts
Conosciuto nel lontano almeno 1500 C. b., questa piccola pianta annua è un membro della famiglia del prezzemolo. Foglie e semi hanno un sapore di liquirizia dolce, caratteristico. Il seme di anice verdastro marrone, a forma di virgola, profumi e sapori di una varietà di confezioni, nonché piatti salati. Esso è anche utilizzato per aromatizzare bevande come il pastis, arrack, anisetta e ouzo. Semi di anice svolge un ruolo importante nella cucina del sud-est asiatico. Cuochi cinesi sono più probabili usare anice stellato di semi di anice. Vedi anche spezie; grafico di erbe e spezie.
Industry:Culinary arts
Un ricavato dal seme di achiote, la pasta e la polvere di annatto in commercio vengono usate come coloranti per burro, margarina, formaggio e pesce affumicato.
Industry:Culinary arts
Nota in Francia come "biscotte" e in Germania come zwieback, una fetta biscottata è una fetta di pane lievitato (spessa o sottile) che viene cotta al forno fino a diventare secca, croccante e di colore bruno dorato. Alcuni tipi di pane usati per questo scopo sono lievemente dolcificati. Le fette biscottate, normali oppure aromatizzate, sono reperibili nella maggior parte dei supermercati.
Industry:Culinary arts
A lean, rosy red, raw Italian ham that has been cured and soaked in wine during aging. Considered superior, culatello has a clean, delicate flavor. It's often served as part of an antipasto platter. See also ham.
Industry:Culinary arts
A spicy blend of tomatoes, chiles or chili powder, onions, green peppers, vinegar, sugar and spices. This ketchuplike sauce is used as a condiment.
Industry:Culinary arts