Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
Nature's most labor-intensive fruit is about the size of a large orange and has a thin, leathery skin that can range in color from red to pink-blushed yellow. Inside are hundreds of seeds packed in compartments that are separated by bitter, cream-colored membranes. Each tiny, edible seed is surrounded by a translucent, brilliant-red pulp that has a sparkling sweet-tart flavor. Pomegranates are grown throughout Asia, the Mediterranean countries and in California. In the United States they're available in October and November. Choose those that are heavy for their size and have a bright, fresh color and blemish-free skin. Refrigerate for up to 2 months or store in a cool, dark place for up to a month. To use, cut the pomegranate in half and pry out the pulp-encased seeds, removing any of the light-colored membrane that may adhere. Pomegranates can be eaten as fruit, used as a garnish on sweet and savory dishes or pressed to extract the juice. They're rich in potassium and contain a fair amount of vitamin C.
Industry:Culinary arts
A type of pot-au-feu served in its own cooking vessel. Petite marmite is usually made from beef, chicken, marrow bones and various vegetables including cabbage. This mélange is slowly cooked in water, producing a rich broth that's served with grated cheese as the first course accompanied by the bone marrow, which is spread on toast. The meat and vegetables are then served as the main course.
Industry:Culinary arts
To turn pieces of food over multiple times, thereby mixing the ingredients together. The term is most often applied to salad, where various ingredients and the salad dressing are tossed together, mixing the ingredients and coating them with the dressing.
Industry:Culinary arts
The vitamin-rich liquid left after cooking greens, vegetables, meat, etc. This broth is particularly popular in the southern United States and is traditionally served separately with cornbread or corn pone.
Industry:Culinary arts
A sweet spread for bread made by stewing fresh fruit with sugar and spices until it becomes thick and smooth. See apple butter.
Industry:Culinary arts
Naturens mest arbetsintensiva frukt är ungefär samma storlek som en stor apelsin och har en tunn, läderartade huden som kan variera i färg från rött till rosa-rodnade gul. Inuti finns hundratals frön förpackade i utrymmen som avgränsas med bitter, GRÄDDGUL membran. Varje liten, ätliga utsäde är omgivet av en genomskinlig, lysande-röd massa som har en gnistrande sweet-tart smak. Granatäpplen är odlade i hela Asien, Medelhavsländerna och i Kalifornien. I USA är de tillgängliga i oktober och November. Välja de som är tung för sin storlek och har en ljus, fräsch färg och fläck-fri hud. Kylskåp i upp till 2 månader eller förvara i en sval, mörk plats för upp till en månad. Om du vill använda, halvera granatäpple och bända ut massa-inneslutna frön, ta bort någon av de ljusa membran som kan följa. Granatäpplen kan ätas som frukt, som används som en garnering på söta och kyndel rätter eller pressas för att extrahera saften. De är rika på kalium och innehåller en hel del c-vitamin.
Industry:Culinary arts
A kitchen utensil that can be best described as a mechanical sieve. It has a hand-turned paddle that forces food through a strainer plate at the bottom, thereby removing skin, seeds and fiber. Some food mills come equipped with several interchangeable plates with small, medium and large holes.
Industry:Culinary arts
A Chinese specialty consisting of broth combined with chicken or pork (and sometimes shrimp) and various vegetables. Deep-fried rice squares are placed in each soup bowl; when the soup is ladled over the squares, the rice sizzles and pops.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. A mixture of crushed basil, garlic and olive oil used as a condiment or sauce. It's the French version of Italy's pesto. 2. A French vegetable soup that usually includes green beans, white beans, onions, potatoes, tomatoes and vermicelli; it is seasoned with the basil-garlic condiment in definition 1. The soup is similiar to an Italian minestrone.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. A round pastry tart that can have a sweet filling (such as custard or fruit) or savory filling (vegetable, meat or savory custard). The pastry is usually formed and baked in a special flan ring, a bottomless metal ring with straight (about 1 1/2-inch-high) sides. The flan ring is set on a baking sheet before the dough is baked. 2. A famous Spanish baked custard coated with caramel. See also crème caramel.
Industry:Culinary arts