Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
Small pelletlike metal or ceramic weights used when baking an unfilled pie or tart crust to keep it from shrinking. The weights (from 1 to 2 cups) are poured into a foil-lined unbaked pie crust. The shell is then partially baked, the foil and weights lifted out, and then the baking is finished. Pie weights can be found in gourmet shops. See also bake blind.
Industry:Culinary arts
This member of the gastropod branch of the mollusk family is a large marine snail. It has a beautiful spiraled shell and a rather tough but flavorful footlike muscle. Although the waved whelk is found along America's northern Atlantic coast, it has never gained wide popularity in the United States. Knobbed whelks and channeled whelks are also marketed in the States. Fresh whelks are generally available in the spring and fall. They're also available cooked, preserved in vinegar and canned. Because of their lack of popularity, whelks may be difficult to find except in Chinese or Italian markets or specialty food stores. Whelk is naturally tough and must usually be tenderized by pounding. It benefits from brief, gentle cooking. The Italians refer to whelk as scungilli, and the famous scungilli marinara is a garlicky dish of whelk cooked in a tomato sauce flavored with basil, oregano and hot pepper seeds.
Industry:Culinary arts
These paper-thin sheets of dried seaweed can range in color from dark green to dark purple to black. They have a sweet ocean taste and are popular at Japanese meals. Nori is generally used for wrapping sushi and rice balls. When finely cut it serves as a seasoning or garnish. It can be purchased toasted (labeled yakinori); if purchased plain, it is usually lightly toasted before being used. Nori that has been brushed with soy sauce is called ajijsuke-nori. Japanese markets and some supermarkets carry nori either in plastic packaging or canned. All nori is very rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals.
Industry:Culinary arts
N. 1. A piece of meat — such as a rib roast — that's large enough to serve more than one person. Such a meat cut is usually cooked by the roasting method. 2. Food, usually meat, that has been prepared by roasting. roast v. To oven-cook food in an uncovered pan, a method that usually produces a well-browned exterior and ideally a moist interior. Roasting requires reasonably tender pieces of meat or poultry. Tougher pieces of meat need moist cooking methods such as braising.
Industry:Culinary arts
N. 1. Un taglio di carne, come le costata di manzo arrosto, che è grande abbastanza per più di una persona. Tale pezzo di carne viene di solito cotto con il metodo dell'arrostitura. 2. Pietanza, solitamente carne, che è stata preparata arrostendola. V. Cuocere al forno un alimento in un recipiente non coperto, metodo che solitamente crea un esterno ben dorato e un interno perfettamente morbido. Per arrostire sono necessari tagli di carne o pollame ragionevolmente teneri. Tagli di carne più duri hanno bisogno di metodi di cottura in umido come la brasatura.
Industry:Culinary arts
A beautiful white mushroom that was named for its resemblance to a cheerleader's pompoms. This firm yet feathery specimen can range from 4 to 10 inches in diameter. It can be found in some specialty produce markets throughout the year. Select those with a bright white color and no signs of yellowing. See also mushroom.
Industry:Culinary arts
Also called Swedish limpa, this moist rye bread is flavored with fennel or anise, cumin and orange peel. The result is an immensely flavorful, fragrant loaf of bread.
Industry:Culinary arts
These popular melt-in-the-mouth Greek cookies are served on festive occasions such as christenings, weddings and holiday celebrations. They're buttery-rich and can contain nuts or not, but are always rolled in confectioners' sugar after baking. Kourabiedes come in various forms from balls to ovals to S-shapes. At Christmastime, a clove inserted in the top symbolizes the rare spices brought to Christ by the Magi.
Industry:Culinary arts
A classic French brown sauce flavored with oranges and served with duck. Bigarade sauce combines beef stock, duck drippings, orange and lemon juice, blanched orange peel, and if desired, curaçao. The original French recipe used bitter Seville oranges (bigarade is French for "bitter orange"). Today's cooks should avoid using overly sweet citrus in this sauce.
Industry:Culinary arts
French for "under vacuum," sous vide is a food-packaging technique pioneered in Europe whereby fresh ingredients are combined into various dishes, vacuum-packed in individual-portion pouches, cooked under a vacuum, then chilled. Sous vide food is used most often by hotels, restaurants and caterers, though it's expected to become increasingly available in supermarkets.
Industry:Culinary arts