Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
1. Originally the word "mocha" referred only to a very fine coffee grown in Arabia and shipped from Yemen's port of Mocha. Today, this strong, slightly bitter coffee is still available but not as popular as it was in the 16th and 17th centuries. 2. A hot coffee-and-chocolate beverage. This flavor combination is also used in desserts, icings, candies and sweet sauces. See also café mocha.
Industry:Culinary arts
Erba aromatica di cui esistono il tipo domestico e quello montano o selvatico, entrambi strettamente imparentati con la famiglia della menta. La santoreggia ha un profumo e un sapore che ricordano un misto tra il timo e la menta. La santoreggia domestica è più dolce rispetto al tipo selvatico ma entrambe hanno un sapore intenso e dovrebbero essere usate con parsimonia. La santoreggia essiccata si può trovare tutto l'anno; quella fresca è reperibile nei mercati di prodotti particolari. La santoreggia aggiunge un gusto particolarmente saporito a molti alimenti tra cui pâté, minestre, carne, pesce e piatti con legumi. Vedere anche: tabella con erbe aromatiche e spezie. Saporito (adj.) Termine per descrivere alimento che non è dolce ma piuttosto piccante e dal gusto pieno.
Industry:Culinary arts
These special coatings on cookware and bakeware allow for fat-free cooking, prevent food from sticking and require minimal cleanup. Some nonstick finishes are applied to the surface and can wear off over a period of time. Others are fired right onto the metal, making for a sturdier finish (and a higher cost). Most nonstick finishes are dishwasher safe but require the use of nonmetal utensils to prevent scratching the surfaces.
Industry:Culinary arts
Made for more than 3,000 years, this traditional Greek wine has been resinated — treated with pine-tree resin. The resin gives the wine a distinctively sappy, turpentinelike flavor that, according to most non-Greeks, is an acquired taste. Retsinas are either white or rosé and should be served very cold.
Industry:Culinary arts
A term describing wines made chiefly from one variety of grape. Such wines portray the dominant characteristics of the primary grape used. Among the more popular varietals are cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, chenin blanc, gewürztraminer, petite sirah, pinot noir, sauvignon blanc and zinfandel.
Industry:Culinary arts
Sciroppo denso e dolce creato lavorando amido di granoturco con acidi o enzimi. Lo sciroppo di mais viene prodotto in forma chiara o scura. Quello chiaro è stato chiarificato per rimuovere tutto il pigmento e la torbidezza; quello scuro, a cui viene aggiunto colorante e aroma di caramello, ha un colore più intenso e un sapore più forte. Dato che inibisce la cristallizzazione, lo sciroppo di mais è particolarmente diffuso come ingrediente per la glassatura, i dolciumi, le confetture e le gelatine. Viene anche impiegato come sciroppo per pancake, sia aromatizzato all'acero che puro.
Industry:Culinary arts
Originario della Grecia, la moussaka è un piatto tipico nella maggior parte del Vicino Oriente. La preparazione di base consiste in melanzane affettate e manzo o agnello tritato disposti a strati, poi cotti al forno. Le variazioni sono comunque infinite e il piatto viene spesso ricoperto con besciamella arricchita con uova e/o formaggio. Altre varianti comprendono aggiunta di cipolle, carciofi, pomodori o patate.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. The Italian name for the tail portion of any of several varieties of lobsterettes, the most well known being the Dublin Bay prawn. Scampo is the singular form of the word. 2. On U. S. restaurant menus, the term is often used to describe large shrimp that are split, brushed with garlic oil or butter and broiled.
Industry:Culinary arts
Said to have been named after the company of Martini & Rossi (famous for their vermouth), this cocktail is made with gin and vermouth, garnished with either a green olive or a lemon twist. The less vermouth it contains, the "drier" (see dry) it is. A martini may be served straight up or on the rocks. It may also be made with vodka, in which case it's called a vodka martini. A gibson is a martini garnished with a tiny white onion.
Industry:Culinary arts
Italian for "half cold," semifreddo culinarily refers to any of various chilled or partially frozen desserts including cake, ice cream, fruit and custard or whipped cream. Such a dessert's Spanish counterpart is called semifrío.
Industry:Culinary arts