Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
A spiraled spaghetti that can range from about 1 1/2 to 12 inches long. See also pasta.
Industry:Culinary arts
Utensile da cucina ideato per levare la parte più esterna della buccia delle verdure. Sono prodotti in molte forme e con una varietà di materiali. I migliori hanno una lama ad azione orientabile che si adatta al profilo dell'ortaggio che deve essere pelato in modo tale da asportare il minimo possibile della buccia.
Industry:Culinary arts
Tipo di pasta a spirale con lunghezza che varia da 1,5 a 12 pollici. Vedere anche "pasta".
Industry:Culinary arts
1. The coarsely ground seeds of any edible grain such as oats or corn. 2. Any dry, ground substance such as bone or dried fish meal.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. In America, this term refers to roasted buckwheat groats, which have a toasty, nutty flavor. 2. In Russia, the word kasha is used in a broader sense for various cooked grains such as buckwheat, millet and oats.
Industry:Culinary arts
A traditional Hawaiian feast, the highlight of which is usually roast pig. This celebration is almost always accompanied by Hawaiian music, singing and dancing.
Industry:Culinary arts
Italian for "little worms," culinarily the term refers to pasta shaped into very thin strands. Vermicelli is much thinner than regular spaghetti.
Industry:Culinary arts
This classic Belgian dish is a creamy-rich fish stew that can be made with either fresh- or saltwater fish. A chicken rendition is also popular. All versions include a variety of vegetables and herbs, and are enriched with egg yolks, cream and butter.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. I semi di qualsiasi cereale, come avena o granoturco, macinati grossolanamente. 2. Qualsiasi sostanza secca macinata come farina di osso o di pesce essiccato.
Industry:Culinary arts
In italiano significa "piccoli vermi" e come termine culinario si riferisce ad un tipo di pasta tirata a formare dei fili sottilissimi. I vermicelli sono molto più sottili dei normali spaghetti.
Industry:Culinary arts