Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industri: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
The French word for "house. " On a menu, such a designation — like pâté maison — refers to a specialty of the house or to the fact that the dish was made by the house chef.
Industry:Culinary arts
Any edible fish or shellfish that comes from the sea. For information on specific fish or shellfish, see individual listings.
Industry:Culinary arts
Sebbene adesso sia conosciuta in tutto il mondo, la zona d'origine di questa torta ricca ed elegante è Linz, in Austria. Mandorle macinate, buccia di limone grattugiata e spezie aggiungono la loro magia alla crostata burrosa su cui viene spalmata della marmellata (solitamente di lamponi) prima di essere ricoperta di un reticolo di pasta che formerà una crosta. Dopo la cottura in forno la torta viene servita a temperatura ambiente.
Industry:Culinary arts
A Jewish term describing food made without animal or dairy ingredients. According to kosher dietary laws, animal food cannot be consumed at the same meal with dairy food, but a pareve food may be combined or eaten with either. In order to be pareve, breads and cakes must be made with vegetable oils and not with butter or other animal fat.
Industry:Culinary arts
From the Nahuatl molli, meaning "concoction," mole is a rich, dark, reddish-brown sauce usually served with poultry. There are many variations of this spicy Mexican specialty, usually depending on what's in the cook's kitchen. Generally, mole is a smooth, cooked blend of onion, garlic, several varieties of chiles, ground seeds (such as sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds — known as pepitas) and a small amount of mexican chocolate, its best-known ingredient. (Some Americanized mole recipes use bitter chocolate. ) The chocolate contributes richness to the sauce without adding overt sweetness.
Industry:Culinary arts
French for "milk," such as in café au lait, which is "coffee with milk. "
Industry:Culinary arts
Qualsiasi pesce o crostaceo commestibile di origine marina. Per informazioni su pesci o crostacei specifici vedere le voci corrispondenti.
Industry:Culinary arts
Termine francese per "casa". In un menu tale indicazione, come il pâté maison, si riferisce ad una specialità della casa o al fatto che il piatto è stato preparato dallo chef che vi lavora.
Industry:Culinary arts
Termine francese per "latte", come in "café au lait", cioè caffè con latte, caffellatte.
Industry:Culinary arts
Japanese for "salt-grilled," referring to a traditional method of grilling beef, poultry or fish in particular. Instead of coating food with sauce, generous amounts of salt are rubbed over the surface. The meat or fish is often set aside for 30 minutes or more before being broiled or cooked over very hot coals.
Industry:Culinary arts