U.S. Energy Information Administration
Industri: Energy
Number of terms: 18450
Number of blossaries: 0
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An important chemical scavenger of many trace gases in the atmosphere that are greenhouse gases. Atmospheric concentrations of OH affect the atmospheric lifetimes of greenhouse gases, their abundance, and, ultimately, the effect they have on climate.
A coke plant where coke is produced primarily for sale on the commercial (open) market.
Restoration or refurbishment of a plant to its original performance without the installation of new combustion technologies. Life extension results in 10 to 20 years of plant life beyond the anticipated retirement date, but usually does not result in larger capacity.
Üreten bir birim, İsale Hattı ya da diğer tesis inceleme veya bakım, önceden bir zamanlama uyarınca kapatma.
Sözleşme düzenleme altında bir hammadde ya da ara ürün akışı bir şirketten bitmiş ürünler eşdeğer hacmi ve işlem ücreti ödenmesi karşılığında başka bir şirketin üretim tesisi teslim edilir.
Kerogen, katı bir organik madde içeren bir tortul kaya.
Undiscovered coal resources in beds that may reasonably be expected to exist in known mining districts under known geologic conditions. In general, hypothetical resources are in broad areas of coal fields where points of observation are absent and evidence is from distant outcrops, drillholes, or wells. Exploration that confirms their existence and better defines their quantity and quality would permit their reclassification as identified resources. Quantitative estimates are based on a broad knowledge of the geologic character of coalbed or region. Measurements of coal thickness are more than 6 miles apart. The assumption of continuity of coalbed is supported only by geologic evidence.
Kamu kuruluşlarının hizmet sağlanan elektrik ve belediyeler, bölümler veya kurumları eyalet veya Federal hükümet özel sözleşmeler, anlaşmalar ya da sadece kamu yetkililerine uygulanabilir hizmet sınıflandırmaları altında işlenen hizmetler içerir.
High-risk, high-profit facilities that operate, at least partially, at the whims of the market,as opposed to those facilities that are constructed with close cooperation of municipalities and have significant amounts of waste supply guaranteed.
The force that pulls a wind turbine blade, as opposed to drag.