U.S. Energy Information Administration
Industri: Energy
Number of terms: 18450
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Categories of major refiners and other refiners and gas plant operators.
A system of structures, wires, insulators and associated hardware that carry electric energy from one point to another in an electric power system. Lines are operated at relatively high voltages varying from 69 kV up to 765 kV, and are capable of transmitting large quantities of electricity over long distances.
A number used to indicate gasoline's antiknock performance in motor vehicle engines. The two recognised laboratory engine test methods for determining the antiknock rating, i.e., octane rating, of gasolines are the Research method andthe Motor method. To provide a single number as guidance to the consumer, the antiknock index (R + M)/2, which is the average of the Research and Motor octane numbers, was developed.
The volume of natural gas withdrawn from reservoirs during the report year less: *the volume returned to such reservoirs in cycling, repressuring of oil reservoirs, and conservation operations; less *shrinkage resulting from the removal of lease condensate and plant liquids; and less *nonhydrocarbon gases where they occur insufficient quantity to render the gas unmarketable. Volumes of gas withdrawn from gas storage reservoirs and native gas, which has been transferred to the storage category, are not considered production. This is not the same as marketed production, because the latter also excludes vented and flared gas, but contains plant liquids.
Any material that has a limited capacity for conducting an electric current. Certain semiconductors, including silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium telluride, are uniquely suited to the photovoltaic conversion process.
A system of transmission or distribution lines so cross-connected and operated as to permit multiple power supply to any principal point.
Period of relatively low system demand.These periods often occur in daily, weekly, and seasonal patterns; these off-peak periods differ for each individual electric utility.
Bir satın alma sözleşmesi altında malzemelerin tüm teslimatlar sözleşme imzalama yılı sonrasında ilk takvim yılı sonunda tamamlanması planlanıyor. Teslimat sırasında sözleşme yılı yapılabilir, ancak teslimat sonra orada ilk takvim yılı ötesinde gerçekleşmesi planlanan değil.
Off-road işlem ve yüzey/hava ulaşım, endüstriyel veya ticari amaçlar için tasarlanmış bir alternatif yakıt araç. NonroadAFVs, forklift ve diğer endüstriyel araçlar, demiryolu lokomotif, kundağı motorlu elektrikli demiryolu araçları, uçak, Havaalanı servis araçları, iş, tarım araçları ve deniz gemileri dahil. (Golf arabaları, kar cep, zevk deniz taşıtları vb.) eğlence ZSA tanımından bırakılır.
Yani çeşitlemelerini araştırma yöntemlerle üretilen uranyum, bakır bir yan ürünü olarak yerinde liç incelemesi veya fosfat madenciliği veya yığın leaching kurtarma.