U.S. Energy Information Administration
Industri: Energy
Number of terms: 18450
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The proved reserves of natural gas as of December 31 of any given year are the estimated quantities of natural gas which geological and engineering data demonstrates with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in the future from known natural oil and gas reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.
A tall, vertical structure containing one or more flues used to discharge products of combustion to the atmosphere.
Contracts held by enrichment customers that allow feed material to be stored at the enrichment plant site in advance of need.
Any reserve of natural gas that the reporting company owns as a result of oil and gas leases, fee-mineral ownership, royalty reservations, or lease or royalty reservations and assignments committed to services under certificate authorizations by FERC. Company-owned recoverable natural gas in underground storage is classified as owned reserves.
The amount of coal that can be recovered (mined) from the coal deposits at active producing mines as of the end of the year.
A power source/generator that operates independently of or is not connected to an electric transmission and distribution network; used to meet a load(s) physically close to the generator.
A concept used by regulators to determine whether an asset should be included in the utility's rate base. This concept requires that an asset currently provide or be capable of providing a needed service to customers.
(As used in EIA's consumption surveys.) The relationship of a housing unit's occupants to the structure itself, not the land on which the structure is located. "Owned" means the owner or co-owner is a member of the household and the housing unit is either fully paid for or mortgaged. A household is classified "rented" even if the rent is paid by someone not living in the unit. "Rent-free" means the unit is not owned or being bought and no money is paid or contracted for rent. Such units are usually provided in exchange for services rendered or as an allowance or favour from a relative or friend not living in the unit. Unless shown separately, rent-free households are grouped with rented households.
Reserve estimates (broad meaning) based on a demonstrated reserve base adjusted for assumed accessibility factors and recovery factors. The term is used by EIA to distinguish estimated recoverable reserves, which are derived without specific economic feasibility criteria by factoring (downward) from a demonstrated reserve base for one or more study areas or regions, from recoverable reserves at active mines, which are aggregated (upward) from reserve estimates reported by currently active, economically viable mines on Form EIA-7A
The agreement between the Department of Energy (DOE) and the owners or generators of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, under which DOE will make available nuclear waste disposal services to those owners and generators.