Industri: Religion
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A sweet, eggy, yellow bread, usually braided, which is served on Shabbat and holidays, confusingly named for the commandment to set aside a portion of the dough from any bread.
A founder of the Zionist political movement, and the first president of the State of Israel.
Lit. Living or life. The word is often used as a design on jewelry and other ornaments. Donations to charity are often made in multiples of 18, the numerical value of the word.
Hebrew. Literally, joyous festival. A greeting for any holiday, but especially Sukkot, Shavu'ot and Pesach (Passover). See Common Expressions and Greetings.
A Jewish officer in the French military who was unjustly convicted of passing secrets to the Germans. His trial sparked a wave of anti-Jewish sentiment that inspired the early Zionist political movement.
Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. See Jewish Calendar; The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look; Current Calendar; Jewish Holidays.
A type of sacrifice that represented complete submission to G-d's will. It was completely consumed by fire on the altar. In Hebrew, it was called an olah.
Under Jewish law, the dead must be buried in the earth, not cremated, and must be buried in a simple coffin, simply dressed. See Care for the Dead.
A prayer beginning with the phrase "barukh atah. . . " (blessed art Thou. . . ). See Prayers and Blessings; Common Prayers and Blessings.
Lit. Covenant of circumcision. The ritual circumcision of a male Jewish child on the 8th day of his life or of a male convert to Judaism. Frequently referred to as a bris.