Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Industri: Financial services
Number of terms: 10107
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The current state of an order, e.g. Open, Pending Review or Cancelled. Related to IPOs: One of four phases (Filed, Indicate Interest, Priced, Priced & Allocated) that a Merrill Lynch IPO Center offering moves through in the process of becoming public. For Alternative Investments: Indicates the current status of the order. For funds: Whether the fund is open or closed to new investors. Funds once closed to new investors may sometimes be re-opened temporarily or permanently.
Industry:Financial services
The source of the news story or research article. News sources include Dow Jones (DJ), PR News Wire (PR), and Business Wire (BW).
Industry:Financial services
An instrument that signifies an ownership position, or equity, in a corporation, and represents a claim on its proportionate share in the corporation's assets and profits.
Industry:Financial services
The Special Conditions field is for situations that may affect a security's ability to be traded in certain situations or locations, or by certain people. Under most circumstances, this field will be blank. The Special Conditions are: # Short Selling is currently subject to the rule UPC 11830. (see UPC 11830 glossary item) # This security is trading Pre Ex-Dividend. # This Security is trading Ex-Dividend. # The trading of this security has been halted by the exchange. # The trading of this security has been halted by the exchange. Bid and Ask data is indicative. (This occurs when the trading of this security has been halted by the exchange and Bid and/or Ask values are non-zero.) # The Bid and Ask Data is indicative.
Industry:Financial services
For participants in employee stock option plans: Rights that tie your benefit to the performance of your company, but do not provide the full rights associated with shareholder status. The gain from a SAR is based only on the increase in value per share between the date of the award and the date of surrender. A Stock Appreciation Right may be issued as freestanding, Additive/Attached or as a Tandem SAR. An Additive or Attached SAR is granted in connection with your employee Stock Options in order to provide you with a source of cash to pay the taxes on your exercise. A Tandem SAR provides you with a choice of exercising your employee stock option or the SAR, with the exercise of one eliminating the right to exercise the other.
Industry:Financial services
SMA is a line of credit. According to Regulation T, SMA is used to record the excess margin in your account.
Industry:Financial services
A dividend paid as additional shares of stock rather than as cash. For MMS: This includes stock splits and spinoffs. When a stock dividend is paid, the Due Bill (DUDB) will appear in this category. When the Due Bill is removed on the DUDB off date and replaced with the stock dividend, the stock dividend will appear again in this category and the DUDB in Security Out Other.
Industry:Financial services
Changes to the SMA caused by trades or movement of securities and funds.
Industry:Financial services
Individual or organization with an ownership position in a corporation, and who is entitled to voting privileges and dividends.
Industry:Financial services
Funds that, by portfolio practice, invest in all market capitalization ranges, with no restrictions for any one market capitalization range. These funds generally have distinctly different strategies and performance resulting in a low r-squared value compared to the other U.S. diversified equity fund categories (for example, market short funds).
Industry:Financial services