Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
The noise (deviation of a signal from its original or correct value) which results from the quantization process. In serial digital, a granular type of noise only present in the presence of a signal.
The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics.
Generally refers to terrestrial radiation of television signals in one or more of the frequency bands defined by CCIR (and in the U.S. reaffirmed by the FCC). The U.S. has 59 television channels, each 6 MHz wide, for video plus correlated audio.
Any material that is detached from the tape during use. The most common wear products are oxide particles or agglomerates, portions of coating and material detached from the edges of the tape.
An abbreviation for polyethylene terephthalate, the material most commonly used as a base film for precision magnetic tape. The chief advantages of polyester over other base film materials lie in its humidity and time stability, its solvent resistance, and its mechanical strength.
The standard UNIX or IRIX login account reserved for use by the system administrator. This account’s home directory is the root (/) directory of the file system; the user of the root account has full access to the entire file system (that is, can change and delete any file or directory). The user of this account is sometimes referred to as the superuser.
Simultaneous processing of both left and right audio channels.
A sparkling effect that can be caused by sub-sampling, since the finest detail is transmitted at a rate below the flicker frequency (and sometimes even below the fusion frequency).
The limited set of colors that a computer can simultaneously display. A typical palette contains 256 unique colors, chosen from over 16 million possible colors. An “optimized palette” refers to a palette whose colors are chosen to best represent the original colors in a particular graphic or series of graphics.
Inaccuracies in the digital representation of an analog signal. These errors occur because of limitations in the resolution of the digitizing process.