Industri: Biology
Number of terms: 15386
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
年次や季節の木および低木からの葉を流します。蒸散と葉の必要を減らすことによって栄養素を削減して水を節約します。落葉性木は冬、およびドロップの葉を分解されるときに土壌を豊かにする光の中で聞かせて、夏に日陰を提供するため庭で便利です。休止状態のときに最高移植される (早いばねに遅い秋)。
長い、蛇紋岩空気界面 (最大約 12 km) と吹いて西風、気団間の温度差によって生成され、多くの場合 1 時間あたり 250 マイル (402 キロ) の速度を超えるすぐ下に現在。2 つの北極のジェット ストリームは最強です。
Characteristic of roughly 10% of any population. Recent evidence suggests a genetic component. Those who argue that homosexuality is "unnatural" are apparently unaware of the behavior in birds, sheep, beetles, bats, penguins, dolphins, orcas, macaques, bonobos (some 75% of whom are thought to be bisexual), black swans, orangutans, and roughly 1,500 species.
A long, threadlike structure that carries the bearer's genetic code (DNA), among other things. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, 46 in all: 44 autosomes and two sex chromosomes, the X (female) and less complex Y (male). Offspring acquire half their chromosomes from the biological mother and half from the biological father. Each chromosome is shaped like an X, with a dot in the center (the centromere) and arms reaching out to the ends (the irreplaceable telomeres that keep chromosomes from sticking together accidentally; their gradual shortening from replication after replication during cell division sets the biological limit to a life). See Gene, DNA.
A tunnel of water that forms when a lake on a sheet of ice begins to melt. The tunnel reaches downward until it spreads over the underlying bedrock. In the case of Greenland and Antartica, moulins are lubricating the remaining sheets of ice from below, making it easier for them to snap off and melt in the sea.
Chemical weathering in which chelates draw metallic cations (positively charged ions) out of rocks and rocky minerals. Ultimately, all forms of weathering have a hand in forming soils. Also: a controversial medical procedure in which the organic chemical EDTA is injected into the body to chelate heavy metals from the blood. The list of claimed benefits includes help for atherosclerosis and various kinds of vascular disease, decreased angina, nicer skin color, healing of gangrene, better blood viscosity and circulation, fewer free radicals, smoother cell and organelle functioning, heightened sensuality, healed ulcers, diminished arthritis, MS, Parkinon's, and Alzheimer's, and of course slower aging. Proponents whose praises for chelation are ignored claim to be victims of the medical establishment, their clinking heavy metals chelated by a disbelief freely played if not always radical.
A colorless atmospheric waste-product gas (one carbon atom joined to two carbon atoms) produced by combustion, fermentation, and respiration. Fossil fuel consumption and deforestation have almost doubled the quantity of it in the atmosphere. See Greenhouse Effect and Photosynthesis.
アルカリ性や酸性度を測定する尺度です。7 未満の pH を持つ物質。0 は酸性 (無料の水素イオンの高)、およびそれらの 7 の上。0 は 7 で、アルカリ性です。ニュートラルは 0 です。酸がちで酸味と腐食、および塩基 (アルカリ化合物)、反対と滑りやすい。雨の気候は乾燥した気候のアルカリ土壌酸性土壌を生成する傾向があります。食べ物を育てるため土壌 pH は 6 間分類する必要があります。3 および 6。8. ライムが時々 土壌酸性とアルカリ性土壌に硫黄に追加されます。それ以下の pH をバッファーする土でより多くの腐植不妊治療に影響を与えます。
* A littoral zone where shore plants grow * An epilimnion, site of sunlight-driven photosynthesis * A metalimnion below it, separating the upper waters from the * Hypolimnion, cool bottom waters, where organic decomposition occurs in the relative dark. Lakes with little oxygen at this layer but abundant green algae might be eutrophic (rich in nutrients but often poor in animal life), whereas clear lakes with surpluses of oxygen in the hypolimnion might be oligotrophic (poor in nutrients), with mesotrophic lakes somewhere in between.
類似コンポーネント (パッチ) 環境では相互に対話する方法です。外来種のパッチが他のものの間で、生態系に与える影響を研究するため。ないと混同することパッチ ・ アダムス、抗議、サンフランシスコで裸のため逮捕された有名な動的な医者から actings。