Industri: Biology
Number of terms: 15386
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Один, который либо является неисчерпаемой, как солнечной или ветряной энергии, или сменный, как дерево от деревьев.
A very fancy way of saying: having to do with lakes ("a lacustrine wetland"). See English, Latinized.
The horizontal movement of heat energy. A warm breeze through a relatively cool orchard, for instance.
Твердый, эластичный, восковое вещество часто встречается в сланцев. Под давлением он превращается в смолистых углеводородов.
Soil aggregation. "Good tilth" means it clumps properly for planting but is porous enough to let air in.
Мобильный блок прежде всего базальтовая литосферы, плавающей на астеносферы под ней. Пластины, толщиной около 75 километров. Вулканизм на срединно-океанических хребтах их производства 700 миллионов лет назад. Смотрите континентальной плиты.
Two annual dates when the sun is farthest from the celestial equator: June 21 or 22, when it stands the farthest north, and December 21 or 22, its southernmost position (in the northern hemisphere; dates for the southern hemisphere are the reverse).
Reproduction without gametes (sperm and egg) in which a single parent creates a clone of itself, often by budding or dividing itself. The offspring is genetically identical to the parent. Organisms reproduced asexually until the evolutionary invention of sex.
roccia sedimentaria grossa composta da frammenti di roccia aguzzi ed a spigoli vivi, cementati tra loro. Si differenzia dal Conglomerato.
Spostamento di humus, componenti chimiche, e particelle minerali provenienti dagli strati superiori del suolo, verso gli strati inferiori per il movimento verso il basso di acqua attraverso la superficie del suolo.