Industri: Biology
Number of terms: 15386
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Фазы изменения из твердой в состояние газа без каких-либо жидкое состояние сначала. Пример: сухим льдом, обращаясь непосредственно в пар. Также может возникать в обратном порядке.
Originally a Darwinian hypothesis twisted around by philosopher Herbert Spencer to justify any desired might-makes-right form of social injustice as natural and inevitable. Very often “fittest” means the most cooperative--see Mutualism.
Sodium chloride. Also, compounds produced when an acid's hydrogen atom is replaced by a metal atom. Also, what unscrupulous fast food restaurants do with french fries and potato chips in order to sell more drinks to thirsty customers.
Human chauvinism, according to John Seed. An example is the belief that the Earth is merely a stage for human salvation or self-development without any intrinsic importance of its own.
A type of limestone sedimented together from the skeletons and shells of marine microorganisms; it resists erosion but is porous, often gathering a lot of water beneath its formations.
The seasonal temperature differences that land surface heating and cooling have on local climate. The differences tend to be greater than in places closer to an ocean (maritime effect).
Cut down a forest and make a localized drought. Deforestation is a direct cause of spreading desertification worldwide. Parallel damage to the human psyche remains largely unexplored.
Similarities that appear independently in more than one type of organism. (Animals that live in similar surroundings often resemble each other, for instance. ) Contrast with Homology.
A maze of raised crop beds (camellones) on low, canal-fed islands of mud, clay, manure, and decomposing plants built up in lakes and ponds. Aztecs and Mayans used this farming method.
The order that includes dolphins and whales. (Closest living relative to the whale: the hippo. ) Like the Order Sirenia (manatees and dugongs), the Cetaceans were never land animals.