U.S. Department of Defence
Industri: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A potentially lethal chemical agent which interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses.
A point on a railway where loads are transferred between trains and other means of transport.
A port complex comprises one or more port areas of varying importance whose activities are geographically linked either because these areas are dependent on a common inland transport system or because they constitute a common initial destination for convoys.
A point in space and time when the commander or staff anticipates making a key decision concerning a specific course of action.
A point at which supplies and/or ammunition, obtained from supporting supply points by a division or other unit, are broken down for distribution to subordinate units. Distribution points usually carry no stocks; items drawn are issued completely as soon as possible.
A point designated for the assembly of personnel casualties, stragglers, disabled materiel, salvage, etc. , for further movement to collecting stations or rear installations.
A plot of ground prepared in such a manner that it will readily accept the hardware used in surface-to-air missile system.
A planning directive that provides essential planning guidance and directs the initiation of execution planning before the directing authority approves a military course of action.
A planning organization consisting of designated representatives of the joint force headquarters principal and special staff sections, joint force components (Service and/or functional), and other supporting organizations or agencies as deemed necessary by the joint force commander.
A planning directive from the Secretary of Defense, issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that authorizes and directs the transfer of forces between combatant commands by reassignment or attachment. A deployment order normally specifies the authority that the gaining combatant commander will exercise over the transferred forces.