Supreme Court of the United States
Industri: Government
Number of terms: 836
Number of blossaries: 0
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The highest court in the United States. It's the judicial branch of the United States government. The U.S. Supreme Court has the ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all state and federal courts.
The thirteen courts of appeals are federal courts that hear appeals – mostly from federal district (i. E. , trial) courts, but also from federal administrative agencies. Of all the cases the Supreme Court hears, the vast majority come from federal courts of appeals. A court of appeals is often referred to by the name or number of its circuit (i. E. , “Ninth Circuit”).
Замовлення є інструкція або напрямок, випущені за рішенням суду. На відміну від погляд, який аналізує закону, замовлення розповідає сторонам або суди нижчого рівня те, що вони повинні робити. Наприклад, суд може замовити certiorari надаються та скасовуються у справі; його можна замовити суду нижчої переглянути випадок у світлі нової точки або теорія; або він може замовити сторін у випадку проводити усні аргументів на певну дату.
The respondent is the party that won in the lower court. His name goes second in the case name. (For example, Al Gore was the respondent in Bush v. Gore. )
Ответчик — партия, которая выиграла в суд нижней инстанции. Его имя идет второй в имени дело. (К примеру, Эл Гор был ответчика в Буша против гор.)
A habeas petition is a request for a court to review the legality of someone’s detention or imprisonment. All federal courts – not just the Supreme Court – can hear habeas petitions, though federal statutes impose significant constraints.
Ходатайство хабеас — это запрос в суд для рассмотрения законности задержания или тюремного заключения. Все федеральные суды – не только в Верховный суд – можно услышать петиций хабеас, хотя федеральные законы налагают значительные ограничения.
When it decides a case, the Court generally issues an opinion, which is a substantive and often long piece of writing summarizing the facts and history of the case and addressing the legal issues raised in the case.
An order is an instruction or direction issued by the Court. Unlike an opinion, which analyzes the law, an order tells parties or lower courts what they are to do. For example, the Court can order certiorari granted or denied in a case; it can order a lower court to re-examine a case in light of a new point or theory; or it can order the parties in a case to conduct oral arguments on a certain date.
When the Supreme Court vacates a lower court ruling, it strips that ruling of effect, often in order to send the case back to the lower court for further proceedings.
When the Court “GVRs,” it “grants certiorari,” “vacates” the decision below, and “remands” a case to the lower court without hearing oral argument or deciding its merits. A GVR order is not accompanied by a written opinion addressing the merits of the case, but the Court usually provides some direction to the lower court by, for example, instructing it to reconsider its decision in light of a recent decision by the Supreme Court.