U.S. Department of Defence
Industri: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or adversary, or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area.
A mission to suppress an actual or suspected weapons system for the purpose of degrading its performance below the level needed to fulfill its mission objectives at a specific time for a specified duration.
A mission that integrates offensive and defensive operations to attain and maintain a desired degree of air superiority. Counterair missions are designed to destroy or negate enemy aircraft and missiles, both before and after launch.
A mission requiring a force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly to the supported force’s request for assistance.
A mission task selected by a joint force commander deemed essential to mission accomplishment and defined using the common language of the universal joint task list in terms of task, condition, and standard.
A mission flown for the purpose of detecting targets and coordinating or performing attack or reconnaissance on those targets. Strike coordination and reconnaissance missions are flown in a specific geographic area and are an element of the command and control interface to coordinate multiple flights, detect and attack targets, neutralize enemy air defenses and provide battle damage assessment.
A mission directed against one or more of a selected series of enemy targets with the purpose of progressive destruction and disintegration of the enemy’s warmaking capacity and will to make war. Targets include key manufacturing systems, sources of raw material, critical material, stockpiles, power systems, transportation systems, communication facilities, and other such target systems. As opposed to tactical operations, strategic operations are designed to have a long-range rather than immediate effect on the enemy and its military forces.
A mission associated with war or peacetime operations in which the consequences of an action justify the risk of loss of aircraft and crew.
A missile, which may be a ballistic missile, a cruise missile, or an air-to¬surface missile (not including short-range, non-nuclear, direct fire missiles, bombs, or rockets such as Maverick or wire-guided missiles), whose target is within a given theater of operation.
A missile which homes passively on a radiation source.