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енергетске резерве

Estimated quantities of energy sources that are demonstrated to exist with reasonable certainty on the basis of geologic and engineering data (proved reserves) or that can reasonably be expected to exist on the basis of geologic evidence that supports projections from proved reserves (probable/indicatedreserves). Knowledge of the location, quantity, and grade of probable/indicated reserves is generally incomplete or much less certain than it is for proved energy reserves. Note: This term is equivalent to "Demonstrated Reserves" as defined in the resource/reserve classification contained in the U.S. Geological Survey Circular 831,1980. Demonstrated reserves include measured and indicated reserves but exclude inferred reserves.

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Industri / Domain: Orang Kategori: Olahragawan

Новак Ђоковић

Српски тенисер и тренутно светски број 1, пошто је поразио Надала на Вимблдону 3. јула 2011. године, освојивши трећу Гренд Слем титулу. Рођен 1987. ...

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