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A gray-white metal that is soft, malleable, ductile, and resistant to corrosion. Sources of lead resulting in concentrations in the air include industrial sources and crustal weathering of soils followed by fugitive dust emissions. Health effects from exposure to lead include brain and kidney damage and learning disabilities. Lead is the only substance which is currently listed as both a criteria air pollutant and a toxic air contaminant.

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Istilah Terpilih

Sanja Milovanovic
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Industri / Domain: Alas kaki Kategori: Sepatu anak

Вештачки материјали/вештачке коже

Сви материјали који не потичу од природне коже, а који су обрађени и дизајнирани да изгледају и имају функцију праве коже.

Daftar istilah utama

Artisan Bread

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African dressing

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