Home > Industri/Domain: > Minuman
Drinks and liquids for human consumption, also includes the bottling industry for preparation and sale of such drinks.
16Kategori 37675istilah-istilah
Tambahkan istilah baruContributors in Minuman

- Air dalam kemasan botol (424)
- air mata (8055)
- Anggur (11296)
- Bir (2315)
- Campuran minuman (215)
- Champagne (104)
- Cocktails (2538)
- Jus (375)
- Kopi (7662)
- Minuman hangat (76)
- Minuman keras hasil sulingan (4213)
- Minuman ringan (1858)
- Olahraga & minuman pembangkit energi (63)
- Produk-produk beralkohol lainnya (361)
- Smoothies (972)
- Vodka (153)