Home > Industri/Domain: > Tanaman
Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.
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Tanaman > Bunga 
Tanaman; Bunga
Reproduksi tangkai pusat Anggrek, yang terdiri dari benang sari dan putik menyatu.
pertumbuhan sekunder
Tanaman; Bunga
Growth in a plant which does not occur at the tips of the stems or roots.

- Anggur (111)
- Botani (9730)
- Bunga (5369)
- Dendrochronology (1)
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- Hortikultura (7061)
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- Patologi tanaman (23870)
- Perdu (180)
- Pohon (696)
- Rerumputan (109)
- Tanaman (4634)
- Tanaman obat (776)
- Tanaman secara umum (3529)