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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Contributors in Agama

Agama > Gereja Katholik


Agama; Gereja Katholik

An exercise and a form of prayer in which we try to understand God's revelation of the truths of faith and the purpose of the Christian life, and how it should be lived, in order ...


Agama; Gereja Katholik

An essential element of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, which consists in telling one's sins to the priestly minister. By extension, the word confession is used to ...


Agama; Gereja Katholik

Sikap atau perilaku yang mengarah lain untuk melakukan kejahatan (2284).


Agama; Gereja Katholik

Daya tarik, baik dari luar diri sendiri atau dari dalam, bertindak bertentangan dengan alasan yang tepat dan perintah-perintah Tuhan. Yesus sendiri selama hidupnya di bumi ...


Agama; Gereja Katholik

According to the creation story in Genesis, the first woman; wife of Adam. God did not create man a solitary being; from the beginning, "male and female he created them" (Gen ...


Agama; Gereja Katholik

According to the creation story in Genesis, the first man. From this story the Church has learned that humanity was originally created in a state of holiness and justice and that ...


Agama; Gereja Katholik

A witness to the truth of the faith, in which the martyr endures even death to be faithful to Christ. Those who die for the faith before having received Baptism are said to have ...