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Implants & interventional materials

Implants & interventional materials are devices developed to enhance or replace a biological structure. Implants require surgery to be placed.

Contributors in Materi penanaman & intervensional

Implants & interventional materials

petunjuk penggunaan

Bioteknologi; Biokimia

"a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it" Essential Requirements - Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC - Annex I, 13.1: Each device must be ...


Bioteknologi; Biokimia

Deskripsi pernyataan menyajikan sesuatu dalam kata-kata, dari kerja menggambarkan


Bioteknologi; Penyakit

In medicine, an indication is a valid reason to use a certain test, medication, procedure, or surgery. The opposite of indication is contraindication.


Bioteknologi; Penyakit

A contraindication (pronounced as contra-indication) is a condition or factor that speaks against a certain measure. It is mostly used in medicine, with regard to factors that increase the risks ...


Bioteknologi; Biomedis

Complication, in medicine, is an unfavorable evolution of a disease, a health condition or a medical treatment. The disease can become worse in its severity or show a higher number of signs, symptoms ...

cincin intracorneal

Bioteknologi; Materi penanaman & intervensional

Implan Cincin Intracorneal (INTACS) adalah visi koreksi pilihan untuk mengobati rendah untuk tingkat moderat miopia. INTACS digunakan untuk memperbaiki miopia pada pasien yang telah keratoconus dan ...

lensa intraokular

Bioteknologi; Materi penanaman & intervensional

Lensa intraokular (IOL) adalah lensa ditanamkan dalam mata, biasanya mengganti lensa kristal yang ada karena telah diselimuti oleh katarak, atau sebagai bentuk bedah refraktif untuk mengubah daya ...

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