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The T-bone and Porterhouse are steak cuts of beef. They consist of a T-shaped bone with meat on each side. The larger side is the strip steak meat, which is from the short loin, whereas the smaller side contains the tenderloin. Porterhouse steaks are cut from the rear end of the short loin and contain a much larger section of the tenderloin. T-bone steaks are cut from farther forward in the short loin and contain a comparatively smaller section of the tenderloin.
- Part of Speech: kata benda
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- Industri / Domain: Peralatan dapur & perlengkapan makan
- Kategori: Peralatan masak
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Industri / Domain: Peralatan dapur & perlengkapan makan Kategori: Perlengkapan minum
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Шоља за чај је мала шоља, са или без дршке, обично довољно мала да се може узети у руку помоћу палца и једног или два прста. Обично се праве од ...
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