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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

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Agama; Kekristenan

(Greek apostolos, "one sent out"). Missionaries sent out by Jesus, including the disciples and Paul.


Agama; Kekristenan

(Greek orthos, "correct"). The correct or majority view.

ilmu pembelaan suatu pendirian

Agama; Kekristenan

(Latin apologia, "defense"). Branch of Christian scholarship focused on defending the faith against its critics and demonstrating its reasonableness. Examples of apologetic works include Justin ...


Agama; Kekristenan

Milik badan yang diterima dari Kitab Suci. Sebagai contoh, Injil Yohanes dikanunkan tetapi Injil Thomas bukanlah.


Agama; Kekristenan

Khas pakaian yang dikenakan oleh rohaniwan saat melakukan liturgi dan lain layanan gereja.

uskup agung

Agama; Kekristenan

Katolik dan Anglicanism, seorang Uskup yang mengawasi Uskup-Uskup lainnya di provinsi. Dalam Gereja Episkopal, Uskup Agung disebut uskup. (Lihat siapa yang di Anglicanism.)


Agama; Kekristenan

Priest or minister who presides over a service including the Eucharist. Compare with "officiant. "

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