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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

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Agama; Kekristenan

Wilayah geografis yang dipimpin oleh seorang uskup, yang biasanya mencakup beberapa kongregasi. Dalam ortodoksi, Keuskupan disebut Eparki.

antiminsion (juga antimension)

Agama; Kekristenan

Dalam Gereja Ortodoks, mezbah portabel yang terdiri dari kain sutra atau linen dihiasi dengan adegan-adegan dari gairah dan berisi relik. Penggunaannya dimulai sekitar awal abad ke-9.

undang-undang gereja

Agama; Kekristenan

Badan hukum terkait dengan organisasi, disiplin, dan kepercayaan jemaat dan dilaksanakan oleh otoritas Gereja.


Agama; Kekristenan

Catholic devotional practice in which 15 sets of ten Hail Marys are recited, each set preceded by the Lord's Prayer and followed by the Gloria Patri. A string of beads is used to count the prayers. ...


Agama; Kekristenan

Salah satu tujuh sakramen Katolik, dan praktek dalam beberapa jemaat Protestan, di mana orang dewasa muda dibaptiskan (biasanya berusia 13) menegaskan komitmen berkelanjutan nya iman Kristen. ...


Agama; Kekristenan

(Greek, "suspended"). Condemned; cut off from the church. The word is used in Galatians 1:8 and I Corinthians 16:22 to denote separation from the Christian community, and it was often used in the ...


Agama; Kekristenan

(Greek "to seem"). The belief that Christ only appeared to have a human body. Associated with Gnosticism and based on the dualistic belief that matter is evil and only spirit is good.

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